Meet the initiators
PhenoTarget is a SciLifeLab-funded Research Community Program initiated by Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo‘s lab at Karolinska Institutet.
Karin Forsberg-Nilsson, from Uppsala University, is the co-PI.
Jordi Carreras-Puigvert, previously co-PI at Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo’s lab at Karolinska Institutet, and currently co-PI at the Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics group at Uppsala University, is the driver of this network.
Per Moberg, head of the Genome Biology division at Karolinska Institutet is the head administrator of this RCP.
Marjo Puumalainen and Katie Hansel, were part of PhenoTarget as the initial (no longer) network coordinators.
*Image credits: Dimitris Kanellis (KI)

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